Tuesday, September 16, 2008

10 Important Strategies-Viral Marketing!

When people are first getting started in trying to understand viral marketing they typically have a lot of questions as to what types of strategies and what methods actually work with viral marketing strategies.

Let's take a quick little walk into the world of some of the most popular and top ways to use viral marketing selling to your advantage.

1. Firstly and no doubt most importantly, think beneficial...

The viral nature or aspect of the offer has to be very beneficial to the reciever. Whichever way you look at it, this is job one. This, as with most things, is easier said than done. Whether it's beneficial emotionally, monetarily, a gift or otherwise, this is the foundation of any viral campaign to take off.

Mind you, if this part was so easy to pull off..we'd never get any sleep because of the bombardment of viral spread. So, when you look at it...it's actually hard, but, when you think about it, that's great.

2. In your email marketing or blogging, you could just about think backwards. Try and work looking at things in reverse from either your blog post or the subject line.

The thing is..If it isn't concise or easy to implement..and off the start, be sure to mention the benefits...it probably won't work out for you virally.

3. From the saying that has been around for what seems forever...

Keep It Simple Stupid

Remember, you have to get a person's interest fast. Confusion or destractions can't play a part in your messages the viewer is recieving!

Right, but let's be clever...but realize some people might not get it as easily as others.

Passing things on will require the sender to "understand it", how do you think that will be accomplished so that he/she will want to pass it on?

4. Well..this is no surprise and it shouldn't come as one. Obviously, "Sex Sells".

Of course it's most likely NOT sex you will be selling. But, if you'd like to get a flow going..and create some curiousity..sneaky suggestive sexual inuendos can do the trick. These types of things let people have fun with thier friends and some can't resist.

5. Get at that funny bone! Humour works very well with viral ideas you'd like to spread. Always remember this. Think about how many commercials you've seen where you said to friends, "God, you have to see that commercial? It's hilarious!"

6. Brand Or Name Leveraging- A very good way to use viral marketing is by leveraging well known figures, brands, people etc. People that are familiar with your this popular entity seem to require less information about it. By being easily recogized, it opens the door for easier communication with the reader.

Be sure to check out all of the legal litigations of doing something like this though, before moving ahead with it.

7. Don't come off as a phony trying to get your message to virally take off. Trying to hard has a nasty way of firing back at you, people dislike this sort of thing. Pride and esteem comes into play, people want it to be their idea. If you have done your part on creating good viral aspects, this will take care of itself.

8. What's in the new or headlines? What's popular?

If you can utilize already popular events it can help you to get your own thing happening. People are aleady talking about it. Try and use this to your advantage!

9. Everybody loves a mystery! Creating mystery or keeping people hanging with a viral marketing concept can only help get that interest happening. In the long run though, you will have to fess up, you don't want to upset people!

10. Think about reality. Many people are trying to avoid being sole by corporate entities and their advertising. It's better to come off with down home and more earthy viral message. Your messages will work better if people feel more comfort by being able to identify with the message easier.

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