Monday, January 19, 2009

Google Conquest

how to blog


Google Conquest Review

Alex Goad of Affiliate Payload Fame is releasing his brand new product called Google Conquest - an "one-stop-shop" solution to niche marketing.

I've been following Alex for a long time since he's a fellow Canadian and suprt successful affiliate marketer & entrepreneur - he is quite inspiring really. 

He's released a few rock solid products that I've personally used to get my affiliate marketing career off the ground rolling and needless to say, whatever he says actually works.  With one obvious warning, you have to take MASSIVE ACTION in order to succeed - which is essentially like everything else in life.  If you were to just read a book about completing an IronMan triathlon, it is very unlikely you'd cross the finish line by just reading it, you actually have to put in the time and the dedication to training and do all the core things to get you there.  I treat internet marketing with the exact same methodology - read the materials, absorb it, and most importantly - take action!

The premise behind Google Conquest is as follows:

  • Niche Research at the speed of light
  • Create ultra targeted, mega specific blogs full of content
    (images and videos, your adsense blocks and affiliate links) 

There is also a syndication aspect (likely a blog network) that not only allows you to grab authoritative, high PR links from various topic specific sites, it also gives you the option of having other publishers populate your web real estate with their own unique content... There are many new products coming out from various marketers that have similar features - one major feature being a private blog network to use to promote your own money sites.   EVERYONE is essentially about locating affiliate products, creating Google hungry (SEO optimized) WordPress blogs, Squidoo Lenses, Web 2.0 pages, then using RSS bookmarking to tell Google to visit your pages which should have a keyword optimized backlink to your own affiliate link or your main site promoting the offer.   The concept is very easy, but just takes some elbow grease to put in action - as soon as you have it figured out, you just rinse and repeat over and over and over.

We'll see what Alex's products has to offer but if the popularity of his last few offerings is any indicator, Google Conquest will definitely be a hit.

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