Sunday, January 11, 2009

Uncover The Secret of Locating Profitable Niches

Surprisingly the frustrating stumbling blocks for new affiliate marketers is finding what to sell online. Many try product after product in an attempt to find ways to make money fast. Finding a hot selling product or service to sell online isn't difficult. With the simple tips below, anyone can find a hot selling product of their own to sell on the Internet.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, you have to find a product that many people want. Not only that, you should find a product that Internet shoppers are likely to purchase over the Internet. Yeah, I'm sure there are some people who will buy a automobile or motorcycle online, but not many. There are some products and services that Consumers want to see, touch and evaluate in person before buying. You can't do that online! Discovering profitable niches that will deliver targeted traffic to your website is the secret to making money online.

To start, make a list of the things you like and are passionate about. It has always been said that you can sell something you believe in. That's true. It's also true that it's very hard to sell something you know nothing about or have no experience in. This is why it's critical in locating something that you enjoy or are obsessed with.

Both Yahoo and Google have sections where you can go and look to see what the most searched terms are for the past week or month. This will tell you what people are searching for online. Google also has a section called "Hot Trends" that is updated throughout the day to show you the most searched for terms. This can be a huge benefit if you follow it over time.

The other section in Google you want to do research in is Google Trends. This tool will tell you how well the product you're interested in has been searched for in the past. Google trends is a free tool and one you should not overlook. You want to see the line on the graph either fairly steady across the graph or rising. A downward line on the graph tells you that interest in the product is tapering off.

The section you want to look for in Yahoo is Yahoo Buzz. Yahoo Buzz tracks the most searched for terms of the previoius week or month. It will also tell you whether or not your term is on the rise or tapering off. I find Google Trends to be a better tool. Work with it a while to really find the best niche products that are hot.

Another excellent place to find hot selling products is ebay. Ebay has a section that will show you the most popular selling products. This can also give you ideas on what to sell on ebay and on the Internet as well. The section you want to look for is called Ebay Pulse. You can also drill down to find which specfic prodcuts are hot. For example, iPods are always hot on Ebay. But which color? Use Ebay Pulse to find which color or which model is hot.

Finding a hot selling product is not difficult. You just have to know where to look in order to find them. Picking an affiliate product just because it has a high payout is a sure fire way to fail. Pick something you know about and then research it to see if there is a demand for it. Have patience and stick with building traffic to your website or blog and you'll start to see results.

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